Charming Their Boy Chapter 1

Charming Their Boy by Jamie Merrick - MMF Romance Book Cover
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New friends and an unexpected romance… Was there a better way to spend a Saturday night?

Robert isn’t sure he made the right decision to come to the lifestyle meet and greet, especially when he gets ditched by the only person he knows. But when a new friend offers to save the day and show him around, things start looking up… especially when he meets Colin and April.

Colin and April have gone into their search for a third with open eyes and a frustrating start, but they’re not going to give up on finding a playmate for April and a boy for them both to love. They know he’s out there somewhere, and when they see a shy sub blushing across the room, they think they just might’ve found him.

With dinosaurs on their feet and love in the air, a Daddy, a princess, and a slightly worried accountant might just fall in love.

Author’s Note: While this is a standalone book, the series is best read in order.


Chapter 1

At some point I was going to learn to tell people no, right?

Oh my god, why were there so many flashing buttons?

Who picked this song?

Shoot, had I picked this song?

When Jimmy, who was supposed to be the DJ at the BDSM event, had said he’d be right back, I’d stupidly thought that meant he’d return before the end of the current song.

It hadn’t.

I’d probably been a bit naïve, because I wasn’t sure I would’ve been right back if the big stern Daddy had come up and taken me away… but I wasn’t being paid to run the music for the dominant and little meetup party.

Oh no.

That was one unhappy… Dom?

The frowning man working his way through the crowd of Daddies, Mommies, and littles had the look of someone who was in charge and he was not pleased with the music.

No one should’ve been pleased with the club thumping sounds that were playing, but I wasn’t sure how to explain to the Dom charging over that it wasn’t my fault. Because it might’ve been? I wasn’t sure if I’d nudged something or if Jimmy thought I should’ve known what to do with all the buttons.

Okay, he wasn’t frowning as much as he got closer.

Maybe he knew it wasn’t my fault since he didn’t know me at all?

Wow, he was tall.

“Hey, thanks for helping, but where did Jimmy run off to?” He stopped before getting too close and seemed to be doing his best not to look threatening, which I appreciated, but I kind of wished I hadn’t looked so obviously panicked.

Nervous and shy would not get me a date with a Daddy or a Mommy.

Shoot. Words. “Um, he… he was… um, talking to a Daddy and said he’d be right back?”

I knew it wasn’t helpful, but his cute overreaction as he scoffed and rolled his eyes had me holding back laughter.

When I giggled, unable to hold back, he shook his head. “Let me guess, he’s found ‘the love of his life’?”

So it hadn’t been my fault?

Oh, how was I supposed to answer that? “He’s… impulsive?”

The way the man rolled his eyes again said he knew I’d downplayed my description. But he didn’t call me out on it as he sighed. “I take it you got left to man the music?”

“Um…” And I was back to not knowing what to say. “We know each other… kind of. He said he’d be right back. But then…”

I shrugged and gave up trying to figure out something that made sense. “Um, he’s… social?”

The tall man snorted.

It let out more of my stress and I smiled and shrugged, gesturing toward the setup. “I’m sorry. I don’t know how any of this works. I’m an accountant.”

A very boring accountant that had never run anything fancier than a car radio.

The man smirked and shook his head, wagging his finger at my shirt. “No, right now you’re a nervous little who got left by his friend who’s…”

He looked around, drawing attention to a loud erotic moaning that I’d been trying to ignore. I wasn’t sure it was polite to acknowledge it, and I couldn’t remember anyone online mentioning a rule about that kind of thing. “Who’s probably getting a spanking.”

I found myself laughing again as the man gave a dramatic frustrated sigh, and I couldn’t resist explaining what had happened. “The Daddy said he looked naughty and then Jimmy said he needed a spanking and… and then boom…”

Shrugging, I wasn’t sure how to explain the magic I’d witnessed. They’d just found each other and it’d been immediate chemistry and sexy times.

“He’s very… social.” It seemed like the best way to describe Jimmy. “No one’s even said hi to me and he’s already getting spanked.”

Oh, I probably shouldn’t have said that last part… looking pathetic was not part of my plan for the evening.

The man looked a bit panicky like he wasn’t sure what to say, which made me feel a bit better, honestly. “Well, um, that might be because you look a bit like you’re ready to run out of here if someone goes boo.”

Hmm, so maybe Daddies and Mommies could read littles better than I’d feared? “Um, that’s kind of how I feel?”

The man winced.

“I’m pretty sure the nice, laid-back Daddies are worrying about upsetting you. The… let’s call them fast-moving Daddies know you’re not the kind to ask for a spanking on the first date.”
I couldn’t help the blush I knew was creeping over my face, but no one ever thought about spanking me.

The man was back to feeling sorry for me because his words rushed out as he frowned. “They’re not avoiding you or ignoring you because something’s wrong.”

Of course they weren’t.

“I’m very taken with my two partners and I think you’re cute.” The way he rolled his eyes had me feeling a bit lighter. “The Daddies will too, trust me.”

Shoot. I blushed again.

I was never going to find a Daddy if I kept looking so ridiculous.

“What you need is someone to be your wingman. But first, we’re going to fix the music and wait for the social butterfly over there to finish getting his spanking.” He seemed so confident I found myself staring in shock as he started confidently studying the controls.

He was going to be my wingman?

The music seemed easier to talk about, so I shrugged again. “I don’t know how to work it. I was just glad when the music kept playing.”

“Yeah, I can see how it would’ve looked overwhelming.” He might’ve said he understood my hesitation, but he made it look easy as he hit buttons and changed settings. “I remember your application. Your face is really familiar, but I have no idea what your name is. I’m sorry.”

Oh, he really was in charge.

What did he know about me?

What had I said on the application?


“Um, Robert… but I guess here it’s okay to call me Robbie?” That sounded ridiculous, didn’t it?

The man shrugged. “If you like being called Robbie when you’re little, then let’s go with Robbie so you get more comfortable talking to the Daddies.”

That would never happen.

He chuckled as I found myself pouting. “Robert is a badass accountant who knows his shit and probably wrestles with the IRS for fun. Robbie is a shy little who wants to talk to Daddies. They’re really two different people.”

Was this what a wingman did, made someone more confident so they’d be reckless?

It worked.

His silly comparison had me laughing, but I tried to stand up straighter and play into his game. “I’m Robbie.”

“Nice to meet you, Robbie.” His quiet laughter made me smile. “I’m Ross and I’m helping to wrangle this event tonight because the cheeses in charge both come home with me.”
His slight cowboy twang made me laugh.

“But I’m usually running a hobby farm, not herding a bunch of Daddies without enough common sense to know not to pick up a little who’s on the payroll.” Ross’s frustration had me fighting the urge to laugh. He was cute. It was no wonder two people had wanted to keep him.

Smiling, I shrugged. “That didn’t seem to have occurred to either of them.”

Ross rolled his eyes again and shifted away from the setup to lean against the wall behind us. “Luckily for them, we’re thinking about the practical stuff.”

He looked around searching for someone then nodded toward the other side of the room. “The tall woman in the My Little Pony dress? That’s Nicole. She’s the head honcho around here and our partner Keller is… is busy somewhere.”

He seemed to be searching for the mysterious Keller, but I was still surprised at the two-partners thing. “You really do have two partners?”

I knew I sounded insane, but the words popped out before I could catch them.

People actually did that outside of something… well, something naughty?

“Yes, we’ve been together for a long time at this point.” He smiled as he talked about his partners. “That’s one of the reasons Nicole wanted to do these… mixers, I guess… we saw firsthand how hard it was to find people to date when you’re little. Especially when you’re little and polyamorous.”

I found myself nodding, but studying my feet was easier than looking him in the eyes. “Liking men and women is hard sometimes, and throwing in being little makes it… interesting.”

He laughed, a sharp teasing sound. “Try being bi and poly and a switch.”


The look on Ross’s face made me laugh. “It was painful. But we’re trying to help make things easier.”

He raised one eyebrow, looking around and making it clear he meant he’d been trying to help people like me.

Awkward littles who couldn’t seem to find a Mommy or a Daddy.

“I think you have.” I knew I probably looked nervous still, but I tried to appear more confident and less panicked. “Jimmy and I met through a work event he was DJing for, and he knew I was a little right off the bat. He’s almost psychic when it comes to that kind of stuff, so I didn’t question him when he said I should come to the party.”

I should have… but I hadn’t.

Looking around, I just saw a sea of unfamiliar faces and decided that it might not have been the best fit. These kinds of parties seemed more geared toward confident extroverts. “I’m just not used to meeting this many people at once.”

That seemed to be the politest way to explain it.

“Yeah, too many people in the lifestyle is just as hard to handle as too few. But at least with something like this, you know you don’t have to worry about shocking anyone.”

Okay, that was one good point.

Looking on the bright side, I smiled and shrugged. “Or worrying about what to wear.”

I thought I’d gone over the top when I’d picked out my dinosaur T-shirt and shoes.

I hadn’t.

“That’s always one of the hardest things.” Ross smiled as he looked over at his partner again. “Nicole had her dress made. She wanted something fun and professional looking, but she wasn’t finding anything on the regular sites.”

“I hadn’t thought about that.” Hmm, I guessed most little clothes I’d seen weren’t really something littles would wear when they were being grown-ups. Grown-up clothes weren’t really made for being fun. “I have a friend who’s a seamstress. I hadn’t thought about a need for clothes like that.”

“You’d be surprised at how many people here have regular jobs and who work in the lifestyle in some way or another.”

Nodding, I wondered if Amy would be open to making clothes like that, but before I could ask Ross a few more questions, he chuckled. “But I think before I reward you with people who will talk shop all night, we should find someone for you to flirt with.”

Work would be much easier… however, he was right. That wasn’t why I was here. “But I’m terrible at that.”

Ross snorted. “You don’t have to do anything but look cute and shy. I’ll do the rest.”

That was too easy. “There’s a catch.”

His eyes sparkled as he laughed. “A big one.”

Dropping his voice, he leaned in looking silly and naughty. “You have to tell me what you’re looking for tonight so I know what kind of wingman you need.”


That was a-whole-nother stressful conversation.

“Um… I don’t know?” As far as explanations went, it was as good as I had in the moment.

Ross leaned back, barely holding back a giggle. “Let’s start at the basics. Daddy or Mommy or either or both?”


That sounded… overwhelming.

“Um, I like men and women.” Saying I was bi or probably something closer to pan wasn’t hard any longer, but it was the rest that made my stress level go up. “And, I guess, I lean toward a Daddy? Is that rude? I don’t want to—”

Ross shook his head, stepping closer to give me a quick hug that cut off my crazy rambling. “No, buddy, it’s fine. You do you and don’t worry about what anyone else will think.”

Letting out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding, I nodded. “It just sounds… well, I like both but I think I would like a Daddy.”

Saying the words got easier every time I practiced them, but I couldn’t wait to get to the point where talking about wanting a Daddy in my life was easy.

Shifting back again, Ross gave me a pride-filled smile. “So does that mean you’re looking for a single Daddy who’s looking for a male little or are you up for something a bit more interesting?”

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I tried to sound grown-up as I spoke. “What do you have in mind?”

Ross’s smirk said it might not have sounded quite right. “There are a few couples that are looking for littles here tonight. I know a few that are two guys looking for a third, and there are a few male-female couples looking for a third.”

There were?

Okay, I wasn’t so sheltered I didn’t know that kind of stuff existed. I just had to ask reasonable questions and make good decisions. I didn’t have to do anything tonight I didn’t want to. I just needed to figure out what the right place to start was.

“Well, which Daddy do you think would have the patience to handle my… newness?” Ross’s barely restrained smirk had me wanting to stick my tongue out at him. It wasn’t the most grown-up response, but it was better than pouting, right?

Coughing to cover a laugh, he shrugged. “Once they realize nervous doesn’t mean fearful, you’re going to have a lot of Daddies interested in you… the other littles too.”

Oh, I hadn’t thought about them.

“I want to make sure I don’t meet a couple who… where the little or other partner in general wouldn’t like me.” Coming into a relationship where the other person was jealous or angry wouldn’t be good. Hell, just coming into a relationship where I rubbed one person the wrong way would be too hard.

It would’ve been easier to meet people if I was more outgoing. However, that wasn’t how I was built and it frustrated a lot of more outgoing people, men and women.

I didn’t have to explain that to Ross, though. He seemed to get it as he nodded slowly, studying the room and seemingly sorting through what he knew of everyone. Just the way he was watching the different people said how many of them he knew personally.

For a moment, I realized I probably owed Jimmy for making sure I got to meet Ross.

But I wasn’t going to thank him for flaking off and going to get spanked or fucked while I panicked.

“Alright, I know there are a lot of people here who would enjoy meeting you. I’m going to focus on ones I think would be the best fit, though, first. There’s no point in introducing you to a Dom who loves public scenes and drama when that’s not what you’re into.”


“No drama.” That sounded stressful. But what was I into? “Um, I don’t know about public scenes… I mean, if you mean public as in the club atmosphere, not as in the grocery store.”

Swallowing, I tried again. “I don’t know what I like as far as a lot of BDSM things go, but I know I don’t like standing out in public. I don’t want people to notice me because of something I’m doing with a Dom or a Daddy.”

That wasn’t unreasonable, right?

“What about noticing you because you’re with two people?” Before I could answer, he continued. “Most people see what they want to see and don’t notice. But there will be people who stare or ask stupid questions.”

There was something serious in his expression that said he’d run into more than one of those situations.

“Do you regret it?” The question was probably too personal, but I’d never had anyone to ask and I wasn’t sure when I would again.

“No.” The immediate answer was good to hear, but it was the way he turned to his female partner and smiled softly that made me believe it. “Never. Even when they drive me insane.”

Would it be unreasonable to say I wanted someone in my life to drive me insane?

Oh, I really hoped I hadn’t just jinxed myself.

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Surprising Their Secretary Chapter 1

Surprising Their Secretary by Jamie Merrick - MMF Romance Book Cover
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A new friend and an unexpected romance… Was there a better way to spend a Saturday night?

Jordan knows pining for her bosses is the worst thing she could do… well, it’s the worst until they all end up together at a lifestyle meet and greet. Obviously dating her bosses is now the worst decision she could make, right?

Shaun and Dylan thought dating the best admin they’ve ever had would be the stupidest thing they could do. But as they see her across a room full of Daddies, they realize just how wrong they’ve been. All it takes is one look at their sweet girl and they know letting her go would really be the stupidest thing they could do.

With change in the air and toys in the playroom, a Daddy, a Dom, and a little just might fall in love.


Chapter 1

This might’ve been a bad idea.

Wow. There were a lot of people here.

Oh, was that them?

This really was a bad idea.

Oops, I’d been caught.

Well, caught might not be the right word since I’d filled out an application to come to the munch for littles and caretakers, but… it felt like I was caught as the professional-looking woman crossed the main room of the BDSM club, coming closer with a don’t be scared smile on her face.

Clearly, I looked like a deer who was about to run.

“Hi, I’m Nicole, one of the people in charge of tonight’s meet and greet. I’m so glad you could come.” Shit. She was nice.


Her dress was made out of My Little Pony fabric.

The internal panic and confusion froze me long enough for her to keep going. “Let me show you around.”


I couldn’t leave.

She was too nice and I would look rude or like an idiot. “Thank you.”


I was going to have to go with her.

Trying to look around the room unobtrusively, I realized Shaun and Dylan had disappeared into the crowd somewhere.

Had they seen me?

Had that really been them?

Hallucinations under stress were a real thing.

Dodging a couple that might have been my bosses wasn’t quite how I’d expected to spend the evening. Not that I’d had a good idea what would happen, but they’d said they had a meeting tonight. Not that I’d been listening.


It wasn’t eavesdropping if they talked too close to my desk.


She smiled.


Had my looking for the guys made it seem like I was interested? Well, I was interested but not where they might’ve seen me. Hell, I wasn’t sure I wanted anyone to see me yet. There should’ve been a room I could hide in so I could enter in stages.

I had to figure out what I was doing first… then I could answer questions and be under a spotlight.

“Tonight we’re using stoplight colors as the safewords, and there’s no alcohol being served at the bar, but there are juices and all kinds of sodas.” As Nicole gestured toward the bar, she grinned naughtily.

“I’ve already had a soda, so my Daddy said juice or water for me… but spankings are fun, so if you want to help me be naughty, just let me know.” Her wide smile said she was being honest about it, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to giggle or hide. “I’m pretty sure we could talk the bartender into making us some kind of milkshake or fruity concoction that would drive my Daddy nuts too.”

Oh, was I the type of little who would help someone be naughty? “I… I don’t think I’m the naughty type.”

I wasn’t sure if that would sound stupid or too goody-goody, but she nodded and stood straighter. “Then I will do my best not to be a bad influence.”

She looked like she wanted to give me some kind of Girl Scout oath or secret handshake to show me how serious she was, and I couldn’t help laughing.

As the panic finally started to fade, I sighed. “I should probably be looking to get into trouble, though.”

Nicole looked understanding, and something about her made me comfortable enough to shrug and open up more. “Being good hasn’t gotten me very far.”

She shrugged and gestured deeper into the room, making it clear we were getting to the showing me around part of the night. “It depends on what kind of Mommy or Daddy you’re looking for. My Daddy needs to be shaken up once in a while.”

I found myself giggling as we wove our way through a lounge area that looked a bit like an old-fashioned gentleman’s club. But this time, instead of old men smoking cigars, it was filled with laughing people of all ages who were flirting and chatting. It wasn’t what I’d imagined a BDSM club looking like.

Realizing that if I wasn’t going to run, I actually had to start talking, I tried to figure out how to respond. “I think I’m looking for…” I shrugged, feeling ridiculous. “I don’t know. Is safe a good description?”

It felt stupid, but I wanted a Daddy who made me feel safe from the world. I wasn’t sure I could picture what he should look like or what I wanted aside from that because, honestly, I was having a hard time picturing anyone but my bosses.

Which was not a good idea or a reasonable one since they’d been a couple for years.

Nicole didn’t seem to mind, though. She smiled and nodded as we walked down a long hallway away from the bulk of the people. “Are you looking for a Daddy or a Mommy?”

It should’ve been easy to answer, but as the hallway opened up into a large room, there was too much to look at to keep the question in my head. “I… a Daddy?”

Two wasn’t a reasonable option, was it?

With Shaun and Dylan being in the lifestyle, somehow the idea of having two partners had gotten stuck in my head. I just wasn’t sure if saying that out loud was a good idea. Even from what I’d seen of the kink community so far, it wasn’t that common.

I started to confess it because it seemed like important information if she was going to help me meet people… but then we walked into the back of the club and my brains melted.

It was finally starting to look like a BDSM club.

The front part looked like a fancy library… if those had a bar. But this was a large open space with smaller stages sprinkled around the edges of the room. They were obviously set up for different scenes. Some pieces of… furniture, I guess, were completely unfamiliar, but I recognized the spanking bench.

I’d seen those online… and on Shaun’s computer.

He had a bad habit of leaving weird things up on the screen… which was how I’d figured out the little stuff to begin with. With anyone else I’d have thought it was sexual harassment or something, but he was honestly the absentminded professor type and seemed to think I was some kind of completely asexual being.

So it was helpful but also aggravating.

Oh, a tea party.

So maybe a BDSM club wasn’t all leather and spanking benches?

If one of the scene areas was set up like a tea party with little cups and stuffies around the table, it couldn’t be too stressful. Right?

Before I could figure that out, we’d circled the room and were heading back toward the lounge. Nicole’s smile and cheerful tone pulled me out of my mental wandering. “There are a lot of nice Daddies here tonight and even some couples who are looking for a third.”


I knew I should’ve acted more casually, but I found myself going still and searching the room. Were they really here? Had I wanted to see them so bad they were like a sexy mirage? “Really?”


I had to have looked like an idiot… but they didn’t seem to be in the room any longer.

Maybe I had hallucinated?

If I was just going crazy, I could relax and have fun, right?

Nicole managed not to laugh as I got myself moving and followed her toward chairs on the edge of the room. “We’ve got a mix of Daddies here tonight—gay, bi, demi. Some are straight and want a female little, but we’ve got a lot that are looking for something a bit different.”

I tried to look open-minded and not stupidly naïve as we sat down, but her grin said I wasn’t doing a terribly good job of it. She was nice about it, though, nodding her head toward the other side of the room to distract me. “Those guys over on the couches in the far corner?”

Nodding and attempting to look relaxed, I let her continue to steer the conversation. “They’re some friends who’ve known each other for years. One is single and just looking for a female or male little.”

Her smile said she liked him even if she hadn’t spelled it out. But it seemed casual and friendly as she kept going. “The others are two couples who are each looking for a female third. They’re all nice guys. The tall one on the love seat is a laid-back, sweet Daddy, but his partner, the guy sitting beside him, is looking for a sub who’s a bit adventurous.”

I knew I looked silly when she gave a naughty giggle and waggled her eyebrows. “You don’t have to tell me what you’re into, but let’s just say he likes toys.”

Trying to swallow back my surprise, I sat straighter. “The… the grown-up kind?”

One sweet Daddy and another naughty one?

They came like that in a package deal?

“Oh yes. He likes hearing his sub’s pleasure and pain.” Nicole giggled again, clearly enjoying my reactions and gossiping about the sexy men.

She let me search the room for another minute, just taking everything in, before she smiled. “Come on. Let’s get a drink and I’ll pretend to be patient for a few more minutes.”

I probably shouldn’t have asked, but I chuckled and raised one eyebrow. “Patient about? Or do I not want to know?”

As we stood, she grinned wickedly and laced her arm through mine. “We’re going to start with your name and then move to the fun questions.”

I groaned and sighed. “I’m never going to find a guy to even talk to if it’s taken me this long to realize I haven’t told you my name.”

Sighing again, I looked over at Nicole, mentally swearing to do a better job of being a functional person. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jordan.”

Nicole was trying not to laugh as she grinned. “It’s nice to meet you, Jordan. I’m Nicole, and I’m going to show you how to be naughty.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to be naughty… but if she wanted to show me how to talk to a man or men… I was definitely game for that.

“Let’s take this one step at a time.” My dry response had her laughing.

“Deal.” She stepped away as we got to the bar, both ordering bottles of water before we found another place to sit. “Now, you don’t seem like the let you wander and throw you to the wolves type, so we’re going to play twenty questions instead.”

I wasn’t sure which sounded more painful, so I gave her a pitiful look. “Don’t you have important things I’m keeping you from doing?”

She laughed. “I have a wonderful staff who’s handling the details behind the scenes, and if I have to hover for them to do their job, I haven’t hired the right people.”


“My bosses are the same way.”

Oh, shoot.

Hadn’t meant to talk about them.

I managed not to look too panicked, but the comment must’ve sparked some kind of memory because she cocked her head. “Your application said you found out about us through your boss, right? I remember you mentioning hearing about it from them, but that you didn’t want to talk about your private life at work.”

Okay, that wasn’t too bad.

“Yeah, they’re very professional and we don’t talk about anything like that.” Even if I wished it were otherwise. “However, I did see the email about the event and looked you guys up online.”

They’d asked very specific questions in the application about how people had found them and I hadn’t wanted to lie. I also hadn’t wanted to tell the truth just in case it got back to my bosses. But since they’d said they weren’t going, I hadn’t thought there was any reason to lie.

I should’ve just had more common sense and not come at all.

Thankfully, Nicole didn’t seem to mind the roundabout way I’d found out about them. “I’m glad you decided to check us out.”

Scanning around the room, she smiled. “Everyone here has been through a thorough background check and we’ve been in the lifestyle long enough that we know most of the locals. But there are quite a few people from further abroad tonight, so we don’t know everyone personally.”

The background checks had been a big drawing point, so I grabbed on to that. “I liked the background check part. I don’t think I would’ve worked up the nerve to come otherwise. I’m very new to all this.”

That didn’t seem to surprise her. “Everyone starts new at some point. How did you discover your little side?”

Swallowing, I had to work to keep my heart from racing. Talking about it still felt weird and stressful. “I… I had a difficult couple of years for a lot of reasons right before I started working for my current company. I was looking for something; I just didn’t know what it was and during the interview process my bosses explained just enough about their personal life to make sure I would be a good fit.”

It hadn’t been creepy, but it had opened my eyes.

“Evidently, their previous admin had gone nuts when she realized they weren’t as vanilla as she’d assumed.” I shrugged. “I manage the office and handle emails. It’s not my place to judge, but it did show me a few things. So I’ve been doing some research and talking to people online. This is my first attempt at meeting a Daddy in person, though.”

The ones I’d met online had ranged from sweet to strange, but most of the nice guys had lived all over the country.

I was a lot of things, but impulsive wasn’t one of them… and neither was trusting.

“I’m assuming you haven’t talked about this with your bosses?” She chuckled when my eyes got wide and I shook my head.

“Oh no. That’s not professional at all.” And they really didn’t see me that way.

“Okay, but just playing devil’s advocate here, how is it professional that you’re seeing emails about their personal life then?” She paused, raising one eyebrow.

I sighed, knowing that part sounded odd. “I have one boss who is brilliant but would forget his shoes if they weren’t on his feet. So part of my job is checking up on his personal email and calendar. It’s not conventional, but it keeps him from forgetting doctor’s appointments and his husband’s birthday.”

Office gossip said that had only happened once before I’d started, but Shaun was adamant that he wouldn’t do it again.

Which was why I had access to his personal emails and kept his calendar.

But since I was also doing it for his husband, who admitted that he went overboard on remembering everything, it kept the peace in their relationship.

I seemed to be the mediator that kept them from killing each other when they got stressed, and it was working for them… but my personal life had taken a nosedive and I was doing my best to fix it.

Obsessing about making them happy was good for Shaun and Dylan, but I needed to face the fact that I needed someone in my personal life to obsess over or I was going to need to look for a new job.

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